Logo ScanCube
Logo ScanCube

 software training.

95% of purchases on the Internet are correlated to the quality of a visual. Our EasyScanCube software allows you to automate your shots in HD quality.
To support you, we offer training sessions on our EasyScanCube software for shooting and ready-to-use animations for your website, your e-commerce site and/or your catalogues.
ScanCube est certifié Organisme de formation QUALIOPI :


Be in possession of a ScanCube housing and our EasyScanCube software installed 
Have already taken a photo (at least with your phone).


The training aims to master :
The features of the EasyScanCube  software ;
Photographic and visual communication techniques adapted to the Internet (photos, videos, html animations).


The training takes place over one day, for a duration of 7 hours.

Access methods and deadlines

The training is dedicated to customers with a ScanCube and the EasyScanCube software .
It takes place, face-to-face, at our customers' premises, in a room dedicated to training in the presence of our ScanCube box and a computer equipped with EasyScanCube software.
After acceptance of the estimate and signature of the training agreement, the training can be set up quickly (within 15 days).

Teaching methods

Face-to-face training, technical presentation, role-playing, practical exercises.

Assessment methods

Skills assessment grid on the occasion of a scenario, at the end of the training, and issuance of a training certificate.

Prices and rules

The training courses are offered at the price of 1,580 euros excluding taxes, price subject to the rate of VAT in force, for a maximum of 3 people .


Yannick CANTOURNET, ScanCube CEO
Tel : 01 58 53 52 52
E-mail : y.cantournet@scancube.com

Accessibility for people with disabilities

If you have a disability, you can contact our Training Department (01 58 53 52 52 or formation@scancube.com) to assess your needs together and see what solutions are possible to support you, train you or guide you.
Are you interested in training on our products ?
Page updated on 05/05/2022

They witness

We found the training and the Trainer top!

The trainer adapted well to us, to our knowledge and our language. We were all able to manipulate the ScanCube on practical cases and by bringing our questions, our difficulties on certain photo techniques that we did not master.

In short, it was very interesting and we also had a good time, the trainer is super accessible!

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